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LaGasse Family Foundation

LaGasse Family Foundation

“The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.”

                                                          – Lee LaCocca

   The LaGasse Family Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation in Sarasota, Florida with two primary goals:

1. Assist recovering addicts in starting over, living clean and sober, in a ZERO tolerance atmosphere.

2. Give back to the greater Sarasota community at large.

   We work daily to fulfill our mission in many ways. We have five recovery houses with a total of 35 beds – four men’s houses and one women’s house.  In our houses, we provide recovering addicts with the tools to face life on life’s terms, and succeed in experiencing the miracles of recovery from drugs and alcohol.

   In the community, we assist families going through tough times with donations, transportation, and help getting through the holidays. We support youth sports through a Little League team. We work with others who want to donate time, goods, and services to make a difference – we can help you help others.

   We strive to do the best we can, with all of the tools and resources we have – and to give back the love and support that was so freely given to us.  Please contact us if you have any questions, want more information, or would like to join us.

Helping Others Help Themselves

For more information see website below:

   Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.

                                                         -Anne Lamott

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